Tisza menti Mezőség Turizmusáért Egyesület


Lead BeneficiaryTisza menti Mezőség Turizmusáért Egyesület

Beneficiary:          Združenie gemerských remeselníkov

Project name:

Handicrafts and gastronomy - a storehouse of possibilities



Call ID:


Priority Axis: 

Enhancing corss-border cooperation of public authorities and people living in the border area 

Specific objective:

4.1 Improving the level of cross-border inter-institutuonal cooperation and expanding cross-border cooperation between citizens

Project ID:  


Total Budget:

57 147,65 €

Total ERDF awarded:

48 575,50 €

Project start date: 

1st September 2020

Project end date:

30th June 2021

The project focuses on strengthening cross-border cohesion, long-term cooperation of partners and establishing, maintaining and developing a joint partnership network. At the same time, the project will aim to effectively exploit the potential of both regions in the craft and gastronomy segment with a focus on tourism and on the economic strengthening of regions through professional cooperation and joint events. Professional workshops will focus on the possibilities of craft development and on the possibility of using traditional gastronomy in the provision of services in tourism. In addition to theoretical knowledge, great emphasis will be placed on acquiring practical skills. The joint publication and website will also serve as promotional material and present both partners through good examples of successful craftsmen and gastronomic service providers. The project partner will organize a two-day traditional craft and gastronomic festival in Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka.  The craft market, interactive children's programs, a dance house, and a presentation of local folk culture will take place. The project partner will also present himself at festival in Tiszabábolna through the presentation of the Gemer region crafts and traditional folk products and the dance house of the dances from own region. Lead partner will organize a two-day festival of open courts in Tiszabábolna.The aim of the event is the preparation, presentation and tasting of traditional local dishes, the presentation of the work of craftsmen, programs for various target groups and all-day program for visitors. Participants of both partner events - craftsmen from both regions, gastronomy experts, representatives of interest associations, regional self-government, families with children, media representatives.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva