Občianske združenie - Priatelia dobrej hudby


Lead Beneficiary: Občianske združenie - Priatelia dobrej hudby

Beneficiary:          Egri Zenészek Egyesülete             

Project name:

HU-SK music festivals to support cross-border cooperation



Call ID:


Priority Axis: 

Enhancing corss-border cooperation of public authorities and people living in the border area 

Specific objective:

4.1 Improving the level of cross-border inter-institutuonal cooperation and expanding cross-border cooperation between citizens

Project ID:  


Total Budget:

57 270,76 €

Total ERDF awarded:

48 680,15 €

Project start date: 

15th June 2019

Project end date:

15th December 2019

The main topic of the submitted project is to support music festivals organized on a long-term basis on both sides of the border. During the project implementation the festivals offer an opportunity to the musicians of the region to introduce themselves on the partner' s festival. This covers the concerts of three bands ensured by the Slovak partner in the frames of the festival called  „Szepesi György országos Bárzenész Fesztivál“  in Eger. The Hungarian partner ensures the concerts of three bands as well. The concerts will be involved in the programme of the “JAZZYday HU-SK” festival, which will be the opening event of the International Jazz Festival in Košice that has a 25-year old history. 

The project follows the specific obejctives as well, which lay down the cornerstones of the long term cross border partnership and of the strengthening of the cohesion at the level of citizens. The specific objectives support the local musical and cultural co-operation based on exhcanges of experiences, which improve inclusion, the interest in the partners' activities and the strengthening of the relationship between the bands. 

The "HU-SK music festivals with the aim of the strengthening of the cross border co-operation" project improves the mutual understanding of the region' s citizens on both sides of the border. The partners plan to organize more common activities during the sustainability period of the project, which enhance the partnership. The co-operation has an impact on the whole programme area.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva