Výšné Valice, Gregorovce


The aim of the project is to establish co-operation between the population and institutions of the two settlements in the field of tourism development based on local resources. This initiative is in conjunction with the IKSZ-House project -submitted under Leader Programme- aiming at economic development in Szikszó. Through professional support and training of local residents and business organizations, the two settlements can induce the entry into the tourism market on a similar scale, with a similar methodology. Within the framework of the project, a joint educational program aimed at the utilization of local resources for tourism will be implemented for local (micro and small) enterprises, the population and cultural institutions. Joint workshops, trainings, presentations will help local actors to be able to identify needs and formulate ideas. A LOCAL KNOWLEDGE - LOCAL TOURISM INNOVATION COMPETITION will be organized, where you new tourism product ideas can be applied and solutions based on what has been learned during the educational program. In order to learn about best practices, a two-day study tour will be organized with the participation of the winners of the innovation competition, the best performers in the training and the partners. Partners also procure equipment to ensure the quality of the implementation of programs and events and to provide the appropriate technical background.
The activities and events to be implemented within the framework of the project intend to generate long-term cooperation between the two settlements, as well as its population, institutions and enterprises, the prepared methodological materials can be disseminated to other settlements.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva