

The aim of the project is to increase the attractiveness of the territory on both sides of the border by promoting joint activities aimed at preserving cultural and natural values, which will also increase the number of visitors in the border area.
The main idea of the project is creation and implementation of common activities aimed on enviroment awareness and protection, creation and implementation of the attractive tourist programmes which will serve for the marginalized groups as well, experience exchange among project partners, organizing  common festivals and cooperation on common cross-border projects in order to increase the number of sustainable events on both sides.
The municipality of Čižatice and Opiná is close to the place where the Battle of Rozhanovce took place. The municipality of Mogyoróska is close to the Régec Castle. Both these territories historically belonged to the important Omodej family. The project includes the compilation of monographies about both villages, Čižatice and Mogyoróska with the summary in Slovak and Hungarian languages. The monographies will bring the life of the inhabitants which live at historically common territory closer.
Mutual cooperation will support Hungarian-Slovak relations on both sides of the border, further mutual exploration and intensifying contacts between two neighbouring nations, spreading of both-side traditional culture, learning about nature and about its prevention for further generations.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva