Košice IT Valley z.p.o.


Lead Beneficiary: Košice IT Valley z.p.o.

Beneficiary:         Draken Technológia Transzfer Egyesület

Project name:

Zlepšiť vzdelanostnú úroveň študentov stredných škôl v      oblasti IT 



Call ID:


Priority Axis: 

PA4: Enhancing cross-border cooperation of public authorities and people

Specific objective:

4.1 Improving the level of cross-border inter-institutional cooperation and broadening cross-border cooperation between citizens

Project ID:  


Total Budget:

43 658,85 €

Total ERDF awarded:

37 110,02 €

Project start date: 

1st March 2019

Project end date:

31st August 2019

Link: https://www.srobarka.sk/projekt-it-valley/?fbclid=IwAR3el5lSwXiUImrlidk9PIegQJSNfvXHNjKdhnroxPIzj1yVvYUvgrDw3v4    


The main problems, faced by IT employers within the Košice Region(KSK) and Szabolcs Szatmár Bereg County (SSB), are a significant outflow of the labor force, poor linkages between student and employer, old teaching methods, poor technical equipment of schools, and the student disinterest to educate themselves.
The Košice IT Valley together with Draken Technology decided to start the new initiative, by bringing together employers and secondary schools to develop the region.
The project goal is to increase the competencies and educational level of students from Hungarian and Slovak secondary schools in the IT area, by applying innovative approaches to education and to set long-term and sustainable cooperation between schools and employers.
The goal will be fulfilled by:
1. Purchasing of the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 for secondary schools as a innovative form of IT education
2. Teacher trainings, through the organization of workshops for the active use of LEGO in the teaching process
3. Linking secondary schools, clusters and employers from the regions
4. Introducing applied teaching at schools and linking student education to practice needs of employers
The purpose of the project is to set up an effective and innovative model of education through the purchasing of the material equipment and providing the teachers training, which will provide a long-term contribution to the regions. The transfer of know-how to teachers will be permanent, and the purchased LEGO kits will serve also for future generations. Through the interconnection of employers and secondary schools the project plans to provide applied education for the labor market needs and create a long-term and sustainable cross-border cooperation between schools.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva