STATERA Právna forma Združenie (zväz, spolok, spoločnosť, klub ai.) IČO 50934601


The objective of this project is to create a portfolio of activities and events encompassing entertainment, environment and outdoor sports throughout the geopark region-located in the heart of Slovakia and parts of northernHU(Palóc country). The e-bike initiative allows seniors and people with mobility and health issues whose outdoor activities can often be limited, to participate in its multitude of benefits-leading to increased sporting and tourism activity in the region. Equally, the project will raise awareness about parts of the region which to date have been overlooked and out-of-sight of the mainstream tourism industry. Visitors fromSVK will be able to discover the culture, history, gastronomy and customs of the area but most particularly explore the beautiful natural scenery that the Palóc province offers.The project also aims to organise traditional nomadic camps where visitors will be able to experience the nomadic lifestyle tradition of the region - its equestrian and archery heritage in particular, as well as crafts demonstrations such as wood carving and basket weaving.On the Hungarian side, the primary focus of the project will be around various environmental activities including the exploration and protection of the biodiverse Natura 2000 area.Participants will be able to observe and photograph the wild fauna and flora present there.Thanks to the recently developed observation stands, visitors will be able to experience local fauna in its natural, undisturbed habitat. nother element of the project is a mobile app allowing users to locate the various observation spots within the area, share their experiences and image content with other users.A selection of the shared photographs will then be displayed within the nomadic camps in the form of an exhibition.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva