
The project´s main goal is to establish an international cooperation between two regions Tokaj and Gemer. The initiative will be launched on three threads in parallel. The first thread is to draw up a tourist route in Tokaj and Gemer, including sights and events of the two regions. The second thread is to elaborate a three-year plan containing the project´s longterm goals.  The third thread is to sign a joint decree between the two given regions within a joint event as a ceremonial act.  The tourist route will be created  based on the model of Italian wine routes. We will create such a roadmap for tourists within which they will be able to explore both regions. On the Gemer side the route will include sights such as the Krásna Hôrka Castle, the Andrássy Mausoleum, the Chateau in Betliar, and the Gombasek Cave, and from the region´s events the Gombasek Summer Camp.  Tourist sights on the Tokaj side include Tokaj Tourist Association (Tokaj Turisztikai Egyesület), Marton Winery (Marton birtok borászat), wine hotel Oroszlános Borhotel, etc. The three-year plan covers various other activities between the two regions. These activities include, among others, exhibiting crafters´ work from both regions, establishing and maintaining a cooperation between sport events in the regions (e.g. obstacle races TheRace in Krásna Hôrka and Extreme Trail in Tokaj). Signing the decree by the representatives of both regions expresses their commitment to the cooperation. The decree will be signed by both project partners, regional leaders, regional leader of Via Carpatia, leaders responsible for tourism, director of SNM for Gemer region, mayor of Rožňava.

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III. Výzva

IV. Výzva