
The main goal of the project is to start a cross-border cooperation between wineries and wine distributors by creating an international wine festival. The inspiration for the festival is the wine festival at Budapest Castle (Budapest borfesztivál), attended by more than 40 000 visitors in 2019. The purpose is to unite wineries from Slovakia and Hungary within one festival and present the quality of wines from these countries to the public. The historical park of the Betliar manor-house is designated as the place of the presented event, by which the wine festival also achieves another goal of the project, which is the support of tourism in the Gemer region. Betliar manor-house is an important part of the history of both countries and is ideal for the implementation of a cross-border project. The event can also be intertwined and enriched with interesting historical mentions and facts about the relationship of the Andrássy family, the owners of the manor-house, to wine and winemaking. The Chateau Wine Festival would thus be a simple and concise name for the submitted project. In addition the festival offers the opportunity to get to know and taste quality wines from selected countries, other areas and communities closely related to wine consumption will be presented throughout the event. We also want to start the first cross-border sommelier competition at the event, in which we will look for the best sommelier of Slovakia and Hungary in close cooperation with the associations of sommeliers of both countries. The long-term goal is to create a large international festival with the participation of several countries. Fulfilling this goal would actively help tourism in the Gemer region and support the popularity of the Betliar manor-house abroad.

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III. Výzva

IV. Výzva