Abaúj Területfejlesztési Önkormányzati Szövetség


In the implementation of the project are involved the parties of the Abaúj Területfejlesztési Önkormányzati Szövetség and the Fiatalok a Bódva- völgyéért civic association. Thanks to the project, the enticement of the Slovak and Hungarian program areas can be presented through the publicity of their tourist attractions, sights and cultural values.
We would achieve this by implementing 2 main activities in the Abaúj and Bódva- völgye regions. By organizing festivals, where the regions are presented from several perspectives, as well as by coordinating workshops, on the occasion where a training is provided for the members, leaders and local mayors of active non-governmental organizations. This will result in a high number of permanently sustainable events covering the entire program area.
We would like to achieve our further goal by implementing the following activity, which means planning, compiling and publishing propaganda materials about these regions. The production of bilingual media materials allows us to present the two regions recent with popular tools, modern and intriguing materials, which can be attractive not only to those living in the border area, but also for visitors from other regions. This activity will improve cross-border co-operation between people living in the border area, as well as cross-border co-operation between residents and cross-border exchange of experiences.
Blessing to the project, the number of lasting, institutionalized partnerships is increasing. A new partnership is being established between the two organizations, Fiatalok a Bódva- völgyéért (SK) and the Abaúj Területfejlesztési Önkormányzati Szövetség (HU).

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III. Výzva

IV. Výzva