Dom sv. Gerharda - Pastoračné centrum


The strategic objective if the project is to build new local partnerships based on common historical cultural values. The project introduces new communication and collaboration methods to ensure sustainable partnerships. The Pastoral Centre of Saint Gerhard is working regularly from 2007 but its two main groups (the Association of Christian Intellectuals and the Community of Families have been active since 1992). In the past years, we organized many valuable programmes (pilgrimiages at home and abroad, lectures in the frame of "Erőtér" project, etc.). We organize the Academy of Saint Elisabeth every year, which includes topics of theology, history and ethics presented by renowned experts. This project broadens these activities with the cooperation of similar community groups from the parish of Tiszaújváros. Our activities and programmes are not restricted to the members of our and the Tiszaújváros groups but are open for everybody regardless of their religion and nationality. In the frame of the project, we request financial support for activities similar to our past programmes but now in the frame of cross-border cooperation of both communities. The project will be iplemented by 6 interrelated activities.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva