Itthon, Szülőföldön, Fiatalon Egyesület


Social cohesion and catalyzing the less developed cross-border areas is essential to maintain the region's competitiveness. Promoting entrepreneurship and education, and the increase of institutional cooperation has proven to be effective in order to overcome this crucial problem. It is even more important for regions with a high number of disadvantaged populations, as most talent programs and workshops focusing on the development of skills exclude peripheral target groups and thus have fewer chances to enter the labor market.
The strategic objective of our application is to provide support to young people living in the cross-border regions based on the comprehensive experience of the project partners in order to develop entrepreneurial skills and to catalyze the professional cooperation between the organizations dealing with youngsters. We have developed a complex talent management program consisting of workshops, a 3-day entrepreneurial bootcamp, conferences, and digital educational materials to promote the transfer of skills. Our goal is to provide them with skills that will satisfy the needs of the private sector. Therefore, we have developed a mentoring program and an idea competition involving successful entrepreneurs, where students can develop innovative solutions to real problems given by the companies. This can be a breakthrough point for our regions in the future.
Instead of a one-time knowledge transfer and economic development impact, we have compiled a program that will enable the actors of the region to organize similar programs in the long run. By supporting community building and knowledge transfer, we wish to improve the level of cross-border institutional cooperation and broadening the sustainable cross-border cooperation between citizens as well.

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III. Výzva

IV. Výzva