Združenie Veľké Kapušany a okolie


Lead Beneficiary: Združenie Veľké Kapušany a okolie

Beneficiary:          Kult-túra Közművelődési és Idegenforgalom Fejlesztési Alapítvány

Project name:




Call ID:


Priority Axis: 

PA4: Enhancing cross-border cooperation of public authorities and people

Specific objective:

4.1 Improving the level of cross-border inter-institutional cooperation and broadening cross-border cooperation between citizens

Project ID:  


Total Budget:

45 682,20 €

Total ERDF awarded:

38 829,87 €

Project start date: 

1st April 2019

Project end date:

31st March 2020

Link: http://www.nvt-magyarhaz.eu/


The waves of history have now far-flung away the regions which have once formed a cultural and economic unit and now are part of the border regions of Slovakia and Hungary, these are the regions lying at triangle of Sárospatak, Nagykapos and Cigánd.
Through this project, we contribute to supporting the social and economic development of the regions' culture, the competitiveness and job creation of border regions and the promotion of cultural diversity to ordinary people. The build out cultural service network strengthens the mutual respect for cultural activities and the dialogue between the cultural organizations of the border regions.
The target groups are the representatives, employees, volunteers of existing and potentially founded cultural organizations, which coordinates their activities thanks the network cooperation and thus meet the needs of the target group of the maximum level.
The network will move more public that increase the participation on the events at the target areas.
As the result the expanding cultural organizations and the increasing number of their activities are a potential breakout opportunity for the disadvantaged persons and women returning to work. Among this the project contributes to the competitiveness, attractiveness and the social cohesion of the regions, which are the driving force behind of the regional development and local job creation.
The network and the jointly methodology are the bases for a long-lasting cooperation in the border region. The experiences cumulated in the network assure the benefits of the cross-border cooperation for its members: reciprocity, mutual learning and shared artwork.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva