Háromhuta Község Önkormányzata


The goal of this little project is to present the cultural values, natural-ecological values and the local gastronomy of the slovakian-hungarian border region, while taking into account and implementing the aspects of maintainability of the region's economy, environment and society. For all of these, Háromhuta (HHÖ) and Perin (OPC) are suitable locations, because they have local spaces for events organised by the local communities, presenting the natural environment (woods and creeks), curtural heritage and traditions of the area. The project is made to fit to the  ''PT4 - Közintézmények és a határtérségben élő emberek határon átnyúló együttműködésének javítása" priority centerline. It helps and strengthens the inter-regional, transregional, transborder and interinstitutional  (municipal offices) cooperations and also the cooperations between the citizens (the traditional NGOs). The Project's aims are the transborder, bilingual exchange of experience between a high number of people and the organizing of events between municipal officies. In each of the two settlements two thematic gastro-cultural events will be held. The HHÖ will organize a festival of game dishes (spring) and a festival of ''sztrapacska" (summer). The OPC will organize a festival of fish dishes (autumn) and a festival of pig-killing (winter). Each event expects 150 of locals and 150 people from the partner settlement (a total of 300 people per event). The pregustation of the different dishes will be complemented by folk musicians and other instrumental performers. The two events will also provide opportunities for the traditional NGOs  and for the local craftsmen to show their skills. The project would like to demand financial  with the addition of 15% of self-effort.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva