Štátna vedecká knižnica


Project „Biblia“ represents the beginning of the cooperation of the two partner institutions – The State Research Library in Košice (SK) and Reformed Church Parish in Vizsoly (HU), which both work on preserving and spreading awareness about the written cultural national heritage. By this project, they want to support the exchange of experience across the boarders related to conservation and promotion of the unique heritage from the 16th century – Vizsoly-Karoly Bible.
The Bible was listed among the cultural monuments of the highest rank by the Hungarian Ministry of Culture. Reformed Church Parish in Vizsoly owns one copy of the original and the State Research Library in Košice two printed copies of this scarce book that have not been publicly presented so far. The aim of this project is the adequate preservation of these documents and its presentation in original and digital form using modern interactive technologies.
The outcome of this project will be the increase of awareness, acquiring new knowledge and information about the origin of the book printing and the first printed documents including the Bible in the historically common area in the 16th century, this all through an exhibition, shared website and modern presentation tools. The project will extend the choice of the leisure time activities for the residents and visitors of Košice, the Košice region, the village of Vizsoly and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén district.  

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva