Vidék Kincse Egyesület


Lead BeneficiaryVidék Kincse Egyesület

Beneficiary:           Debraď

Project name:

Breathe life into history!



Call ID:


Priority Axis: 

Enhancing corss-border cooperation of public authorities and people living in the border area 

Specific objective:

4.1 Improving the level of cross-border inter-institutuonal cooperation and expanding cross-border cooperation between citizens

Project ID:  


Total Budget:

58 156,00 €

Total ERDF awarded:

49 432,60 €

Project start date: 

1st September 2020

Project end date:

31st August 2021

The main objective of the project is to strengthen cooperation between organizations in the cross-border area, to establish long-term institutionalized partnership, to develop and organize joint professional programs related to the historical heritage. The project partners pay special attention to familiarize the younger generations with history and to pass on the knowledge; therefore they will develop innovative, interactive teaching methods which are currently not widely used in the conventional schools.

The areas involved in the project have very rich historical heritage with numerous historical monuments (e.g. old churches, mottes, stone castles etc) from the Middle Ages to the 20th century to which legends are associated (e.g. Mary’s apparitions).

The partners target the different target groups with different activities in order to achieve results in the most effective way: 1. Establishing a joint historical exhibition which will be shown in both countries 2. Organizing 3-3 interactive history lessons in different locations in Hungary and Slovakia, out of which children will visit the neighbouring country 1-1 times. 3. Organizing a joint two-round historical quiz. 4. Organization of professional conferences for historians, archaeologists and professional civil organizations which will provide also opportunities for the exchange of experience and knowledge. 5. Organizing heritage tours for adults who are committed to preserve and transfer historical values. 6. Preparing a publication presenting the historical heritage of the participating territories.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva