Národné poľnohospodárske a potravinárske centrum


Lead BeneficiaryNárodné poľnohospodárske a potravinárske centrum

Beneficiary:          Združenie gemerských remeselníkov

Project name:

Transfer of knowledge to preserve the multifunctionality of soils and for the sustainability of the agro-environment



Call ID:


Priority Axis: 

Enhancing corss-border cooperation of public authorities and people living in the border area 

Specific objective:

4.1 Improving the level of cross-border inter-institutuonal cooperation and expanding cross-border cooperation between citizens

Project ID:  


Total Budget:

42 470,30 €

Total ERDF awarded:

36 099,75 €

Project start date: 

1st September 2020

Project end date:

31st August 2021

The project continues in the previous cross-border projects between research organisations in Michalovce and in Nyíregyháza. Within the previous projects, both partners built Advisory centres and purchased machines and equipment. This project continues in their use with the attention to the increase of awareness of the citizens in this region. With the help of the Advisory centre, jointly created database of findings as well as other information that would be obtained during operation of the project, the awareness of the target groups on the issue of multifunctionality of the soils, soil degradation and its harmful implications will be increased. Our aim is thus to enhance the agro-environmental awareness of the region’s farmers, students, researchers and citizens.

In order to achieve the above-mentioned goals, we will publish, both in Hungarian and Slovak language, the materials on soil degradation processes as well as possibilities of prevention and soil remediation. We will organize practical demonstrations for students connected with practical illustrations on the field experiments and expert lectures for the regional farmers. The exchange of students and farmers from the affiliate regions will strengthen cooperation between the two cross-border regions, they will get acquainted with specificity of the regions, with the opportunities they offer and the problems they are facing. The meetings will offer exchange of experiences, deepen the relations and strengthen the partnerships. 
The networking would allow for closer cooperation between the two institutions and the development of future common research projects as well as facilitating the internationalization of the participating institutions.

Pilot call

Opened Call

III. Call

IV. Call