Bodrog Egyesület


Lead BeneficiaryBodrog Egyesület

Beneficiary:          Slovenská ornitologická spoločnosť /BirdLife Slovensko - branch

Project name:

Bodrog, living river



Call ID:


Priority Axis: 

Nature and Culture 

Specific objective:

1.1 Increase the attractiveness of the border area

Project ID:  


Total Budget:

57 327,33 €

Total ERDF awarded:

48 728,23 €

Project start date: 

1st April 2020

Project end date:

31st March 2021

The aim of the project is to present the unique natural beauty and diversity of the valley belonging to the Latorca - Slovak section - and the Bodrog rivers - Slovak and Hungarian section- to locals and the general public. With reaching our audience we would promote the protection of biodiversity as well as the European Union's Natura 2000 ecological network. Firstly, our direct target is to present and safeguard the natural values of the area. Additionally, the indirekt objective is to facilitate the collaboration between cross-border civil communities. As to reach this goal we would take sensitizing and awareness raising actions to draw people’s attention to their immediate natural environment involving endangered plant and animal species. Furthermore, launching attention-grabbing media campaign(s) organised with the help of volunteers. The theme of these activiti(es) is to hightligh the possible consequences of the massively floating municipal waste flowing from outside of the European Union, across Kárpátalja, resulting in frequent water pollution of Latorca and Bodrog rivers. The initiation of the project is formulated with the cooperation of the two participating NGOs, Slovak and Hungarian, both involved in nature conservation related educational programmes. This project is not without precedent as there has already been a smaller-scale joint project by the cooperating organizations on a similar topic. Geographical areas covered by the project: Slovak and Hungarian sections of the valleys of the Latorca and Bodrog rivers.

Planned activities:
(1) Project meetings,
(2) Garbage collection water tour,
(3) Natura 2000 mobile exhibition,
(4) Natura 2000 interactive lectures,
(5) Educational film and publications,
(6) Nature conservation competition,
(7) Communication.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva