SzépCserehát Vidék és területfejlesztő Nonprofit Szociális Szövetkezet


Lead BeneficiarySzépCserehát Vidék és területfejlesztő Nonprofit Szociális Szövetkezet

Beneficiary:           DOMKO - Domov sociálnych služieb

Project name:



Call ID:


Priority Axis: 

Nature and culture 

Specific objective:

1.1 Increase the attractiveness of the border area

Project ID:  


Total Budget:

51 047,30 €

Total ERDF awarded:

43 390,21 €

Project start date: 

1st October 2020

Project end date:

31st May 2021

By organizing a joint international festival of artistic creativity of people with disabilities called BRIDGE OF SMILES to be held in Košice (ie a showcase of dramatic creativity of people with disabilities from social service homes, joint presentation of paintings and photographs of people with disabilities for the general public) joint cretive workshops for people with disabilities in the field of music, theater, painting, photography and film will establish cooperation between people with disabilities from the Košice region and the Hungarian partners, thus strengthening cross-border cooperation and interest in cross-border artistic activities. It will greatly contribute to the elimination of barriers to the creation of cultural activities aimed at eliminating prejudice against people with disabilities and will promote the inclusion of this target group in society.The cooperation will also result in joint cross-border cultural events already on the newly built stage in the village of Gagyapáti, which would serve for the cultural development of the border region in the long term and we will organize various kinds of events here several times a year.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva