Poľovnícke združenie GAZDOVSKÁ HORA Vinica


Lead BeneficiaryPoľovnícke združenie GAZDOVSKÁ HORA, Vinica

Beneficiary:          Magyarnándor Község Önkormányzata

Project name:

Two regions - one face 



Call ID:


Priority Axis: 

Nature and Culture 

Specific objective:

1.1 Increase the attractiveness of the border area 

Project ID:  


Total Budget:

54 046,18 €

Total ERDF awarded:

45 939,25 €

Project start date: 

1st August 2020

Project end date:

30th September 2021

The implementation of the project would involve creating a new educational trail thanks to the Council of Magyarnándor (HU) and the GAZDÁK EREJE VADÁSZTÁRSASÁG [‘Power of the Farmers’ Hunting Association] (SK) of Vinica that would be done in the framework of cross-border cooperation between public institutions and people living in the border region. The trail would link the potential of the two natural regions, the Cserhat range and the Korpona plateau. The overall objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness of the border region, to increase the social, economic and territorial cohesion by means of carrying out activities of nature preservation and protection. As a result, natural wildlife and water could be shown and the number of visitors to the regions involved could increase because of the expansion of the current educational trail into a cross-border dimension more attractive to tourists.

An aim is to have the educational trail, as a green corridor, facilitate the environmentally conscious upbringing of the students of the the Magyarnándor and Vinica kindergartens and elementary schools. The main activity carried out in the project is the design of a small-scale tourism concept and the development and implementation of programs to preserve and enhance natural habitats. 

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva