Abasár Községi Önkormányzat


Lead Beneficiary: Abasár Községi Önkormányzat

Beneficiary:          Držkovce                 

Project name:

Traditions and the future - cultural programs in Abasár and Držkovce



Call ID:


Priority Axis: 

Nature and Culture

Specific objective:

1.1 Increase the attractiveness of the border area

Project ID:  


Total Budget:

55 627,36 €

Total ERDF awarded:

47 283,26 €

Project start date: 

1st April 2020

Project end date:

31st March 2021

The main targets of the project are the transfer of traditions, knowing each other cultures and the social learning. Our priority through the project that the partners exchange their know-how of traditions and culture. At the courtyard of country house of Deresk, a 98,86 m2 barn will be renovated. In the barn we will start an annually event „Tradition day”. At the events the guests can learn about traditional jobs like pottery or basketry. There we will make a „Barntheatre” and other annually planned events with the lead partner: a gastronomy festival once a year and a „night of the theatres”. 

Planned acquisiotions in the projetct: projection screen, stackable chairs. At Abasár we will make a joint festival with „Crowning King Aba Samuel the Night odf the Headless Monks”, „Monks dinner: Middle ages gastronomy events” at the memorial cellar of Aba Sámuel. There will be jazz and chamber orchestra concerts series at the cellar with wine tasting and middle ages dinner served by monks.

Planned acquisiotions in the projetct: monastic costume and sandals, electric torch, royal clothing, king and queen outfit, K-5 type stackable chairs. The expected effect of the project is both the hungarian and the foreign regions people learns about Aba Samuel’s era and the middleage’s tradiotions. With the help of the project we will try preserving our tradiotions and culture in a worthy and efficiency way at both partners. The participants will know each others values, and hopefully there will be more connections beetween the two countries at the level of civil organisations, councils and population. The settlements will enriched tradition maker, attractive events and useful acquisiotions.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva