Jazdecký klub Masarykov dvor


Lead Beneficiary: Jazdecký klub Masarykov dvor

Beneficiary:          North Star Lovasudvar Hagyományőrző Turisztikai Lovas Sportegyesület               

Project name:

Cross-border cooperation in organizing military equestrian races



Call ID:


Priority Axis: 

Nature and Culture

Specific objective:

1.1 Increase the attractiveness of the border area

Project ID:  


Total Budget:

57 201,53 €

Total ERDF awarded:

48 621,30 €

Project start date: 

1st March 2020

Project end date:

30th November 2020

With this project we will achieve a complex long-term, cross-border cooperation, supporting the equestrian eventing sport.The participating partners have competition venues equipped at different levels (professional and amateur) and possess high levels of technical knowledge and experience.Our main goal is to support the riders and the equestrian sport by promoting the sport itself and finding new business partners.The two locations will perfectly complement each other, offering the possibility to compete for beginner and advanced sportsmen without the need to travel long distances.The project will make the Slovakian-Hungarian cooperation stronger and our athletes will have the possibility to visit new competition venues.As interest in competitions in the two countries grows, the riders will get more competition experience and have expanded possibilities to develop their equestrian skills.The greater popularity of these competitions along with good organization and more investment will attract higher number of visitors and bigger media attention.An important goal of the project is to make the equestrian sport widely popular, which will attract more people to ride horses and possibly many of them will become equestrian sportsmen.With increased popularity of the competitions, the venues will attract more visitors, creating higher local consumption of products and services, which would be beneficial to the economy.The project will have a positive effect on the development of the Slovakian-Hungarian equestrian sport, as well as local and international economic and social relationships.

Pilotná výzva

Otvorená výzva

III. Výzva

IV. Výzva